Sunday, September 11, 2011

Neo Geo Pad Repair & Saturn BIOS Guide

Thought I'd take some quick photos showing how I had to repair my Neo CD Pad, you hopefully won't have to go to this length to repair it, the original guide at GamesX will hopefully be enough :-)

Also decided to start my guide on how to replace the Saturn BIOS. I've started with how to removed the old BIOS chip, the guide isn't finished yet, but all the info is there (I'll finish it soon).


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Region Free BIOS Chips - DC and Saturn

I need to update my guide for the DC Region Free BIOS, and produce some extra info about the Saturn Region Free BIOS. It'll happen when I pickup some more consoles to mod, but for now I'll tell you where I got my last lot of chips for a great price, and he offers a flashing service so you can just do a direct replacement, no piggy backing of chips, remove the old one and solder in the new one :-)

Anyway, it's Bad_Ad84 on ASSEMbler, check out the group buying threads - Saturn and DC, I've ordered twice from him and received great service.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Alternative AES Power LED Mod and DMG Backlight

Today I fitted a backlight to my original Game Boy. There's no guide for it, as the place that sells the kit has a video guide. Check it out.

I had an email the other day from io, they included a link to their own guide for the AES Power LED, it's cool :-)

Correction in MVS Adding Ports

Not much really, was making another CMVS recently and used the PDFs I had created, noticed an error my the PDF for adding controller ports, have now corrected it.