Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hmmmm, can't believe I haven't already linked to this site, got some nice guides on it :-)

Submitted Guides

omp has done it again. He's submitted two more guides. The first is handy if you've tried some NTSC NES pads on your PAL console and they haven't worked. The next is a really tidy Battery Replacement for the DC.

Find them both on the Downloads page.

If you've got something you'd like to see on mmmonkey, get in touch

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mainly Mega Drive 2 updates

FINALLY, I have updated my MD2 guide, got one for if you want to fit switches, and another if you want switchless.

FourX sent me some info about RGB'd N64's and Composite Sync, sits nicely with Link83's info.

I'm tired, there may have been other updates, I can't remember right now!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


First up, a chap called Dave emailed me to say that I'd got leg 23 mixed up with leg 21 in my Dreamcast Hacked BIOS guide, it was correct in the diagrams, but wrong in the text. This is corrected now.

Link83 has also submitted a lot of extra info on some of the guides, which is invaluable :-)

MD2 power plug adapter - supplied correct size

That's it for now, I have to play these things as well as take them apart you know!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Region Free Dreamcast!

I've finally got around to installing a flash chip into my Dreamcast and popping a Region Free BIOS on it, with a 3D startup screen. Anyway, have a look.

Made it clearer in my Saturn guides which pins from the power supply have which voltages on.

I've added VGA scanlines to a Dreamcast VGA box, guide to follow soon.

Finally, the creator of GameSniped emailed me to ask for a link, the site has a lot of interesting Retro gaming bits of kit on it (and some current generation stuff). I like it a lot :-)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

VGA Scanlines Guide

Today I decided to add some more detail to my Scan Line Generator guide, with more photos and better descriptions.

I noticed a small error in my wiring diagram for adding the Scan Line Generator into the VGA Upscaler (I had the Horizontal and Vertical Sync labels swapped), apologies if this caused you some trouble.


A few small updates

Found a link to a great modding site that I used a long time ago to mod my GameBoy Color.

Looks like Console Passion have started selling Switchless Mod Kits, very handy if you don't have or want a programmer.

Made a couple of additions to my RGB VGA Scaler guide after I followed it to make another cable up for it.

Hopefully coming this weekend I plan on getting all the notes together that I've made regarding different chips on my Willem Programmer, I use this to program the Switchless Mod chips, PSone chips, Mega CD BIOS and once for a Neo Geo AES (which I sadly sold).

Monday, May 2, 2011

RGB Cables

I'm not keen on making cables anymore, and thanks to the forums at NTSC-UK I found another site that not only supplies RGB cables, they specialise in them, pretty decent prices too.

RetroGamingCables - have a look.

(now added to links page)


Another N64 RGB mod

I saw a different NTSC N64 RGB Mod using a new Amp. I had to try it, and I really like it! If I get another PC Engine, I'll try it with that also :-)


I've re-read some of my newer guides, and corrected a few typo's, made some corrections and added some photo's to a few newer and older guides. I do plan on doing this to a few of my current guides (time/money permitting!)

These were changed..

Added info on an alternative MD switchless mod that detects if the reset button sends 5v or GND to reset the console (much much easier and tidier than my previous bodge job!)

Added some tips on how to make holes for VGA sockets, and what I do so that I don't get my screws mixed up.

I hope to get my new N64 RGB Amp guide on here very soon.


Some new submitted guides.

I was recently contacted by another a nice chap called omp, who made some fantastic guides for me to share with you.

First up, the Master System 2 Power LED, this is a very tidy solution for the Sega Console. It looks absolutely perfect. I want a SMS2 now just so I can try this out!

Next, an alternative SNES Switch Free Region Mod, a very tidy solution for tricking the SNES region lockout.

Brilliant work. Thanks :-)

Updated Links Page

I've added some links recently to various sites, including repair info, other modifications etc. Anyway have look around these sites...

If you think I'd be interested in a site, let me know