Sunday, October 23, 2011

A bit of tidying up...

Been editing a few pages and correcting some errors etc. The main things that have been altered or added...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mainly GameBoy Stuff...

I'm working my way through a backlog of mods I've done recently, sorting out scribbles, weblinks and waiting to get some new photographs.

I've made a start though, here's how I fixed some GameBoys that had missing vertical lines on the screen. Then how to invert the screen (in readiness for a bivert mod).

I forgot to mention last week that I added some more photo's to my page about fitting a replacement RegionFree BIOS into the Saturn.

And recently, Retro Accessories has been helpful with a bunch of info, the first bit is about restoring C-Sync to NTSC N64's to give greater compatibility with more TVs.

I'll gradually add more over the next few weeks, time permitting :-)
